You want to update the contract for a customer from the current plan to a given rate plan or product.
Or, update the rate code after the existing contract expired and the renewal request was either not submitted or the renewal failed for some reason.
Or, insert the given rate class with the effective dates for customers. Or, move few DDP-SH variable rate customers to a new rate class/rate code/product.
Or, add an existing product to a customer account by updating the Rate Code in Billing Information.
Open a Support ticket with the below information, as applicable:
- The customer account number where the changes need to be made
- The plan name or product name or product code or rate code that needs to be applied to the customer's account.
If the product name is provided, please mention the Utility to which the account belongs. - The Start Date (or Effective Date) and End Date for the product or plan
- Monthly Subscription Fee (MSF)
- Early Termination Fee (ETF)
After the changes are made by the Support team, you will be informed about it.
- Access to the client-specific CSR site.
- Access to the Client database
It is possible that the client will not include all the requested information in the ticket. If the account number and new/target rate or rate plan or rate code or rate class or product name or product code are provided, you can proceed with the solution below.
If the Product Name is provided, you can fetch the product code using the query below.
Replace the parameter ProductName using the given Product Name.
select ProductCode, l.ldcname, l.ldcshortname
from Product p
join ldc l on l.ldccode = p.ldccode
where ProductName = 'Residential Evergreen'
In the query result, note the product code.
If the given product name returns several product codes, it is required to pick the product code corresponding to the utility/LDC that the account belongs to. The ProductCode has the utility/LDC short name embedded in the value. The utility that the account belongs to is typically provided by the client. If not, the following query can be run to know the utility that an account belongs to. Replace the parameter custNo with the given account number.
select l.ldcname, l.ldcshortname, c.custNo, p.premNo
from customer c
join premise p on c.custID = p.custID
join ldc l on p.ldcid = l.ldcid
where custNo = '003679166'
For example, if the given account belongs to utility PGE, the product code R_PGE_G_ALL_EVERGREEN_BROWN_MSF_NOETF_1 needs to be applied to the account.
Follow these steps to transition the account to the given (or fetched) rate code (or product code):
- Login to the CSR portal
- Search for the customer using the account number provided by the client:
- From the search results, click on the account number and open the customer record.
- Click the Edit button on the Billing Information section.
- Search for the new rate (as mentioned in the support ticket). For example, the client may provide the new/target rate as PGE_G_Loyalty 12_CARE [R_PGE_G_CARE_LOYALTYFIXED_BROWN_MSF_ETF_12] (FG000023). In this case, you need to search using the rate PGE_G_Loyalty 12_CARE. Note: MSF/ETF, if mentioned by the customer, may help to find the plan that the client has mentioned when opening a ticket.
Fill in the start and end date. The dates should be provided by the client. Otherwise, the Start Date can be the current date, and the End Date calculated from the Start Date and the duration of the new rate (in the example below, "12 month"). - Click Save.
<supportagent>Inform the client that the rate has been updated.</supportagent>
Once the changes have been saved, the customer's account will have a new rate. This can be verified by checking the Rate Code field in the Billing Section.