You want to update the contract end date to a specific date for the current agreement/contract on a given account or to extend the most recent expired agreement until the end of the month for multiple accounts.
Open a Support ticket with the customer number or LDC account number/premise number of the accounts for which the contract end dates should be updated and also mention the end date for each of the accounts.
Access to the Client (CIS) database
- Access to the QAT
1. Get the cust IDs for the given account(s) by running the query below. Replace the parameter custNo with the provided account number.
select custID from customer where custNo='4271901';
Alternatively, if the LDC Account Number or Premise Number is given, replace the parameter premNo in the query below and run it to get the CustID.
select custID from premise where premNo='4005110062310682';
2. Use the custID from the previous step to filter out Rate Transition records by running the query below.
In the query result, note the most recent RateTransitionID.
Select * from RateTransition where custId=123456 order by createddate desc;
3. Log into QAT and run query QAT ID 1278 to update the EndDate column in the RateTransition table and the ExpirationDate column in the Rate Detail table as the contract end date is captured in both these tables.
Before running the query, enter the 'Value' for the parameters end with the provided contract end date (or date to which agreement is to be extended) and rateTransitionID with the value of RateTransitionID from the previous step.
The format for end date is yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00.000 (For example, 2023-05-11 00:00:00.000)