You want the late fees applied for a particular time period (Eg: the month of April) for a customer.
Open a Support ticket with the below information for which the late fees data is required:
- Customer name/s or account numbers.
- The time period/dates for which the information is required.
- Login to the Jump server
- Open Microsoft SSMS and connect to
. - Select
New Query
in the top bar. - Run either of the below queries:
- If the customer name is provided by the client, then run the below query:
Select * from Invoice where CustID IN (
Select CustID From Customer where CustName LIKE '%<customer name provided by the client>%')
and InvDate BETWEEN '<start date>' AND '<end date>'
and Type='Late'
order by 1 desc - If the account number is provided by the client, then run the below query:
Select * from Invoice where CustID IN (
Select CustID From Customer where CustNo IN ('<customer number 1>, <customer number 2>, ...')
and InvDate BETWEEN '<start date>' AND '<end date>'
and Type='Late'
order by 1 desc
- If the customer name is provided by the client, then run the below query:
In both the above queries, the start, and date format is YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00.000
Copy the data into an appropriate tool (Excel/Google Sheets) and send it to the client.