You want to place a customer account or a set of accounts on dunning hold (also referred to as dunning block) to exclude them from the dunning process for a specific number of days.
Note: If you also need to waive late fees for these accounts, refer to Credit/Waive Late Fees for Customer Accounts.
The dunning process can be turned on or off completely. It is not possible to place a dunning block or hold for individual customer accounts or on a list of accounts for a specific number of days. If you wish one or more accounts to be excluded from the dunning process, you need to create a support ticket requesting an account or list of accounts to be placed on the "Promise to Pay" protection. This action will prevent the account(s) from being disconnected. Make sure to include all the account numbers of the accounts that need to be excluded.
You will be notified once the specified accounts have been excluded from the dunning process.
To exclude certain accounts from the dunning process, the Promise To Pay flag for the customer needs to be activated. Use the following queries to accomplish this:
Select CustId, CustNo, CustName
from Customer where CustNo in ('<Account number #1>',
'<Account number #2>', ..., '<Account number #n>')
Update CustomerAdditionalInfo set PromiseToPayFlag=1 where CustID in (’<custId #1>’, '<custId #2>', ..., '<custId #n>')