You want to know for Enrollment Requests if the system always sends a Priority
for same-day next service request and is it per request or per utility. Also, information around if this is happening due to any flags sent on the enrollment request itself is required.
If required support can also export a list of such affected enrollment requests for a particular state and within a specific date range.
The system will always send priority if the MVI (Move-In) request is sent for the next 48 hours except for the LDCs where there is no Priority Code setup.
The system is setup this way on a per utility basis (for ERCOT utility) and will neglect any incoming flag on Enrollment Request and will always decide the Priority Code on the basis of Move-In Request date.
If you need a list of affected enrollments then provide us the date since when you want this information exported, and a state name as well if you need it filtered for a particular state.
For reference, below is the query that can be run to get the list of all customers with LDC Names, Priority Codes, and the Priority Codes Description (among other information) for move-ins within a certain date range and by region (abbreviated US state name). The parameters for c.CustID
and ctr.TransactionDate
can also be adjusted as per requirement:
select c.CustID,c.CustNo,p.LDCID,l.LdcName
,ctr.ESIID,ctr.TransactionDate,ctr.RequestDate,s.PriorityCode as PriorityCodeonTXN
,sp.Description as Priority_onTXN
,et.Description as EnrollmentTypeAsPerENrollmentData
from Customer c
join Premise p on p.CustID = c.CustID
join CustomerTransactionRequest ctr on ctr.CustID = c.CustID
join tbl_814_Service s on s.[814_Key] = ctr.SourceID
join LDC l on l.LdcID = p.LDCID
join ServiceOrderPriorityCode sp on sp.TDSPDUNS = l.DUNS and sp.PriorityCode = s.PriorityCode
join ENrollCustomerPremise ecp on ecp.CustID = c.CustID
join ENrollType et on et.ENrollTypeID = ecp.ENrollType
join ClientCorrelation.CorrelationRequest cr on cr.RequestSourceID = ecp.EnrollCustID
where 1=1
--and c.CustID=<As per request>
and ctr.TransactionDate > '<client specified from date in MM/DD/YYYY>'
and ctr.TransactionType='814'
and ctr.ActionCode='16'
and ctr.Direction=0
-- and p.LDCID in (select LDCID from LDC join Market on LDC.MarketID=Market.MarketID where Market.MarketCode='<Client specified region name, if specified>')
and ctr.UserID is null
order by ctr.RequestID desc