You want Late Fees to be turned on for customers from a particular date onwards.
Please raise a support ticket with us (if not already done) specifying the date from which you want the Late Fees to start getting generated.
We will inform you after turning on the Late Fees process.
Access to the Task Toaster site
It is required to turn on the mentioned task below on the exact date that the client has requested the Late Fees to be generated. This is because this task cannot be scheduled for a start date, so, has to be activated on the given date.
1. Log into the Task Toaster site.
The Tasks dashboard is displayed.
Enter the keyword LateFees in the text box and hit Enter to search for the task.
2. From the displayed search result, click on Task Name Maintenance.ApplyLateFees.
3. On the resultant screen, under section Client Settings --> Disabled for, look for the client name who raised the ticket. This is because if a client has requested the Late Fees to be turned back on, it implies that the Task will be found in the disabled state.
Click on the Client name hyperlink (obscured in sample screenshot below) adjacent to "Disabled for" to turn on the task for this client.
4. Refresh the page.
The client name under Client Settings --> Client should display Status as Success.
Also, on the same screen, under section Log Viewer, a tab should be displaying the Client name for whom the task is turned on. Click on this tab.
Log messages indicating that the Maintenance.ApplyLateFees task is preparing to start followed by a completed message will be displayed.
Inform the client that the Late Fee process has been turned ON and that the Late Fees will be generated from that day onwards.