If you need a list of customers who were sent renewal letters exported, with custom filters such as date ranges and region, then you should create a support ticket and support will share the exported information.
Create a ticket mentioning any specific filters you want to be applied such as the name of any particular state or within specific date ranges.
You will need access to the client database at
Select the client-specific database, and execute the below query. The below query uses region specifier as PA for Pennsylvania, and date range as 2021-03-14 to 2021-03-21. Note that the region is specified in the two-letter abbreviated format for US state names.
select *
from Customer c
join Premise p on p.CustID = c.CustID
join Letter l on l.CustID = c.CustID
join LetterType lt on lt.LetterTypeID = l.LetterTypeID
where 1=1
-- Remove the second check on lt.type below if no region is specified
and lt.type like '%renewal%' and lt.type like '%PA%'
-- Remove the below clause if no date range is specified
and l.CreateDate > CAST('2021-03-14' as DateTime) and l.CreateDate < CAST('2021-03-21' as DateTime)
order by l.CreateDate desc
Export the result set and share it with the client.