You found that for a customer, an account had a drop accepted status for a certain date (4/23/21) and an enrollment accepted status for an earlier date (4/21/21). The BeginServiceDate and EndServiceDate were changed to a previous date (3/31/21) and the account status was changed from Enrollment Accepted to Enrollment Cancelled at Aurea end. You inquire why Aurea is making such changes and request an impact list for accounts affected by such changes.
It is possible that a new enrollment was submitted on one account for the customer and the response from utility posted on the customer's other (affected) account. The system changes at the Aurea end, with respect to date and account status, were triggered as a result of the received response on the account.
Open a Support ticket with the affected Account Number and the dates for Drop Accepted status and Enrollment Accepted status for this account. We will verify the root cause, fix the account, and inform you.
Also, please specify if you want an impact list for accounts affected by such changes and need us to fix the impacted accounts as well.
Access to client-specific CSR
Access to the Client database
Scenario: A new enrollment was submitted on one account for the customer (004326643) However, the response was posted on the customer's other account (003855967). Both these accounts are linked to the same LDC Account Number.Steps:
- Find the LDC Account Number for the given customer account number.
Log in CSR. Navigate to Utility Accounts to get the LDC Account Number.
Then search with this fetched LDC Account Number from the Search section to display all the customer account numbers linked to it. - Next, from the CSR site, check the transaction history for Type 814 for all accounts found in step 1.
Log in CSR. Navigate to Utility Accounts -> View Transaction History.
Search for the most recent transactions using a date range close to the dates mentioned by the client and Type 814.
in the resultant list, check In and Out transaction pairs for 814_D (drop) and 814_E (enrollment).
You can identify an 'In' transaction corresponding to an 'Out' transaction using the 'Date' and ESIID values in the 'Out' transaction.
If you find any missing 'In' (response from the utility) transaction, check if the corresponding response or 'In' transaction is found on a linked account. The account with the 814_E "Out" transaction is the correct account on which the "In" transaction should have landed. Note this account number.
Note the Effective Date on the "In" transactions for 814_E and 814_D for the accounts.
You are likely to find a discrepancy with respect to the 814_E transaction response in case of an account status getting auto changed from Enrollment Accepted to Enrollment Cancelled and the dates BeginServiceDate and EndServiceDate getting auto changed to earlier dates.
To fix accounts, proceed with steps 3 and 4.
For example, for the mentioned scenario, transfer the enrollment transaction to the correct account (004326643) and change the dates for the affected account (003855967) and the corresponding linked account (004326643). - Transfer the Enrollment response 814_E 'In' transaction to the correct account identified in step 2 using steps in Moving-Transactions-Between-Accounts
- Correct the BeginServiceDate and EndServiceDate dates on the accounts using the steps in the article Update-Premise-Start-or-End-Date.
Use the Effective Date values from the transactions found in step 2.
For an account with 814_D transaction pair, the BeginServiceDate value should be In 814_E Effective Date and EndServiceDate should be In 814_D Effective Date.
For an account with 814_E transaction pair, the BeginServiceDate value should be In 814_E Effective Date and EndServiceDate should be NULL. - To get an impact list (if requested by client) for the customers where outgoing Enrollment transaction was submitted on one account but enrollment response was received on a different one, run the query below on the Client database.
Share the query result with the client.
If the client requests to fix all impacted accounts, follow steps 1-4 above per affected account.
Select c.CustNo,c.CustName,ctr.CustID,
ctr.ESIID as PremNo,convert(date,ctr.TransactionDate) as Outgoing_T_Date
,c2.CustNo Incoming_CustNo,c2.CustName Incoming_CustName,
ctr2.CustID Incoming_CustID,ctr2.PremID Incoming_PremID
,ctr2.Esiid Incoming_Esiid,
convert(date,ctr2.TransactionDate) as Incoming_T_Date
from CustomerTransactionRequest ctr
join Customer c on c.CustID = ctr.CustID
left join CustomerTransactionRequest ctr2 on ctr2.ESIID = ctr.ESIID
and ctr2.CustID<>ctr.CustID
and ctr2.Direction=1
and ctr2.TransactionType='814' and ctr2.ActionCode='E'
and ctr2.RequestID > ctr.RequestID
join Customer c2 on c2.CustID = ctr2.CustID
where 1=1
and ctr.Direction=0
and convert(date,ctr.CreateDate)>'01/01/2021'
and ctr2.TransactionDate between ctr.TransactionDate
and ctr.TransactionDate+7
and ctr.TransactionType='814' and ctr.ActionCode='E'
order by 3 desc