You request Aurea to provide a list of completed enrollments for the PA region for a specific date range with the following details:
Account number, customer name, premise type, commodity type, and account status
Please raise a support ticket with us specifying the details that you are looking to get (if different from the mentioned criteria). We will share the requested information with you.
Access to the Client database
- Run the select query below to get the information.
Replace the parameter CreateDate with the given date range.
Among the requested details, since PremiseType is similar to CommodityType, only PremiseType is included in the query result. The additional information CustomerType is included for clarity.
select distinct
ecp.CustomerAccountNumber [AccountNumber],
ec.CustName [CustomerName],
ct2.Description [CustomerType],
ecp.premtype [PremiseType],
ps.Status [AccountStatus]
from enrollcustomer ec
join EnrollCustomerPremise ECP on ecp.enrollcustid = ec.enrollcustid
Join customertype ct on ct.custtype = ec.custtype
Join customertype ct2 on ct2.customertypeid = ct.category
join enrollstatus es on ec.EnrollStatusID = es.EnrollStatusID
join premise p on p.premno = ecp.esiID
join premisestatus ps on p.statusID = ps.premisestatusID
where ecp.state = 'PA'
and ec.CreateDate between '01/01/2021' and '04/01/2021'
order by ecp.CustomerAccountNumber - Share the query result with the client.