You have front-end field validations in place on your website when a user enters their LDC number for web enrollment. It appears that for LDCs that require a space in the numbering convention, these enrollments are failing when the call is made to ISTA. For LDCs where a dash is included (PECO/PPL), the enrollments get processed as expected. You want Aurea to confirm if the root cause is passing the LDC number with space and if you should be sending it as a whole number.
Please raise a support ticket with the customer account numbers that you tried to enroll, including the response or failure/error message received during web enrollment.
We will investigate further, share information regarding the root cause, a possible fix, and further action points.
Access to the Client database
1. Run the select query below to gather data about the failed enrollment.
Replace the parameter customerAccountNumber with the given account number(s).
select ec.enrollcustid, ec.customerAccountNumber,
ecp.ESIID, ecp.CSRPREMID, cr.RequestMessage
from EnrollCustomer ec
join core.CorrelationRequest cr on cr.RequestSourceID = ec.enrollcustID
join enrollcustomerpremise ecp on ecp.enrollcustid = ec.enrollcustid
where ec.customerAccountNumber in ('8000910475','8000910481')
In the query result, pick the row(s) for a given customer account number that has the tag CreateCustomerProspectRequest in the column RequestMessage.
Click on the hyperlink in this column to open the request in the XML editor. The request XML needs to be noted.
A sample query result is shown below:
2. Create an AESCIS Jira ticket of Type 'Eng Problem' with data provided by the client and information found in the previous step (including request XML) for the Engineering team to investigate further.
Share the information/resolution provided by the team with the client.