You want Aurea to update a note for customers with specific text. Perhaps a wrong note was added to the account.
Please contact the support team and raise a support ticket (if not already done so). You are requested to provide the list of customers/accounts for which the Note should be updated and the text of the modified note that should be added to the account.
Access to the Client database
- Access to the client-specific CSR site (for Testing)
- Run the select query below to get the custID for the given customer (or list of customers).
Replace the parameter custNo with the given account number.
select custid
from customer
where custno in ('003579140', '013579140') - Run the select query below to get the noteID for the existing note that needs to be modified.
Replace the parameter custid with the fetched values from step 1.
select n.noteid, d.note, n.description,
n.createdate, d.createdate
FROM Note n
JOIN NoteDetail d on d.noteid = n.noteid
where n.custid in (12345, 67891) - To update the note with the new text, run the update query below.
Replace the parameter n.noteid with the fetched value from step 2.
Replace the parameter d.note with the given new/modified note.
set d.note = "NewNoteDesc"
FROM Note n
JOIN NoteDetail d on d.noteid = n.noteid
AND n.noteid = 12345
Verify a note has been updated for an account using the steps below.
1. Log in to the CSR site. In the Search section on the top-right side of the screen, select Account No from the drop-down, enter the account number in the field beside it and click on the search icon.
2. Once the resultant account information is displayed, click on the Communication Log tab. The updated note appears in this section.