You are unable to submit an enrollment or close a Request for Service because the "Product" interface shows incomplete Product/Rate Unavailable. It is likely you selected a valid contract or rate.
It is possible that the enrollment data received from you for the affected customers have an incorrect rate against the given product.
Please raise a support ticket with the affected customer account numbers. We will investigate and confirm the root cause. Also, we will fix the issue so that the enrollments can be processed.
We will inform you after the resolution and you can verify the customer enrollments have been processed using the steps in the Testing section.
Access to the Client database
- Access to the client-specific CSR site (for Testing)
1. Run the query below to get the enrollment data for the given customer account numbers.
Replace the parameter ec.customerAccountNumber with the given account numbers.
select ec.enrollcustid, ec.customerAccountNumber,
ecp.productid, ecp.enrollpremiseid,
ecp.ESIID, ecp.CSRPREMID, cr.RequestMessage,createdate
from EnrollCustomer ec
join core.CorrelationRequest cr on cr.RequestSourceID = ec.enrollcustID
join enrollcustomerpremise ecp on ecp.enrollcustid = ec.enrollcustid
where ec.customerAccountNumber in ('8000908599','8000908444')
order by createdate desc
In the query result, pick the row(s) for a given customer account number that has the tag CreateCustomerProspectRequest in the column RequestMessage.
There may be multiple rows returned for the same customer account number with different EnrollPremiseID per row. Note each enrollpremiseid and productid (per enrollpremiseid).
You need to perform steps 2-6 for each EnrollPremiseID, in case multiple are found.
2. Click on the hyperlink in the RequestMessage column found in the query result in the previous step to open the request in the XML editor.
Note the values for the XML tag ProductID and XML tag ProductRate found within the node Premises.
A sample is shown below:
3. Run the following select query to know the RateID.
Replace the parameter productid with the value noted in the previous step 1.
select rateID
from product
where productid = 3702
4. Run the following select query to know the RateAmt.
Replace the parameter rateID with the value fetched in the previous step 3.
In the query result, if multiple rows are returned, select the row with categoryID=1.
select RateAmt, FixedCapRate, *
from RateDetail rd
where RateID = 809781
5. If the RateAmt value is NULL from the query result in the previous step (4), get the most recent IndexRate using the query below.
Replace the parameter rateIndexTypeID with the FixedCapRate value from the result in the previous step.
It is likely that the IndexRate in the query result differs from the ProductRate value in step 2. This confirms that the enrollment data received from the client is incorrect since the IndexRate value denotes the correct rate for the product.
select IndexRate from RateIndexRange where rateIndexTypeID=3700.00000000
order by RateIndexRangeID desc;
6. Run the update query below to update the rate in the EnrollCustomerPremise table.
Replace the parameter ProductRate with the IndexRate found in the previous step (or the RateAmt from step 4 if it is non-null).
Replace the parameter EnrollPremiseID with the value found in step 1.
update enrollcustomerpremise
set productrate = 0.40800000
where enrollpremiseid = 996654 ;
Inform the client that the rate received from them in enrollment data was incorrect and that the rate on the account has been corrected. The system will auto-enroll the customers post this update and they can verify using the Testing steps.
The steps below can be used to check the customer enrollment status.
- Log in to the CSR site and navigate to Request for Service -> Request for Service Search.
- On the resultant screen, choose the search criteria from the drop-down (like Ista Account Number, LDC Account Number, etc), enter the corresponding value, and click on the Search icon.
- The search result is likely to display the Status as "Customer Account Creation Complete" along with other information like Account, Type, Customer Name, Date Enrolled, and Service Address.