You inquire why the amount due in the ledger is not matching with the balance due on an account.
It is possible that there was a payment or invoice that was posted on this account which was then moved.
Please raise a support ticket mentioning the affected customer account number. We will fix the Accounts Receivable for this account by cleaning up the AccountsReceivableHistory. We will inform once done and you can use the steps in the Testing section to verify that the AR ledger and Aging are in sync.
Access to the client-specific CSR site
Access to the QAT tool
- Log in to the CSR site and search for the customer using the given account number.
- In the resultant information, navigate to the AR/Billing tab.
Under AR Summary, a table displays the ledger information in various columns:Invoice #
Invoice Date
Due Date
Service Period
+ Adjustments
Amount Due
Look up the invoices and payments for verifying the ledger is in sync using the method below:
Each invoice for a service period is identified by Invoice# and Invoice Amount. It has a corresponding payment, identified by Type 'Payment', of the same amount as the 'Invoice Amount. There may be one or more payments with the total payment amount adding up to the Invoice Amount for that Service Period. The 'Payment' entry is typically dated with the 'Due Date' (or Due Date-1) value corresponding to the Service Period for which it is paid.
The expected application behavior is that the columns "Payments + Adjustments" and "invoice Amount" for the same Service Period and Due Date will tally.
It is likely that the client has reported the issue because discrepancies exist in the amounts.
If you are able to locate the discrepancies for one or more service periods in the ledger, note the values of the columns to identify the corresponding Invoice and Payment.
(If you are unable to locate the discrepancy even after looking up several invoices and corresponding payments, proceed with step 3 regardless.) - Run the QAT Query ID 513 to clean up the AccountsReceivableHistory table for the given account.
Populate the parameter CustIDList with the custID for the given account.
The custID can be found by running the select query below:
select custID from customer where custNo='000021176'
- (If you were able to locate the discrepancy in the amounts in step 2, proceed with this step. If not, skip it and proceed to the Testing section.)
Check the AR Summary section again on the CSR site as mentioned in step 2 and verify that the previously noted discrepancy in amounts no longer exists.
Verify that the amount due in the ledger is matching with the balance due on an account using these steps:
- Log in to the CSR site and search for the customer using the given account number.
- In the resultant information, check the value for the field "Balance" (located above the tabs Customer Info, Utility Accounts, AR/Billing, Communication Log) for the balance due amount.
- Next, navigate to the AR/Billing tab.
Under AR Summary, check the value for the column Amount Due in the topmost row/entry in the ledger.
This value should match the value for the field "Balance" found in the previous step.