You are unable to load renewals at a certain rate for some accounts through web service due to the validation error message "Product change Effective Date cannot be more than current contract EndDate. Please correct the contract StartDate and try again". There are future dated renewals pending to be processed in Aurea for these accounts. You want Aurea to complete the pending renewal to reflect on the accounts by updating the current Contract End date and then add a new contract with the given Effective Date and rate.
It is likely that the EndDate for the current contract and the EffectiveDate for the new contract to which the account is being renewed, have a gap. The validation exists to ensure that there is no gap in service for an account.
If you come across such an error during renewal, raise a support ticket with the following information for the affected accounts:
- customer account number,
- the revised Contract EndDate that the current contract on the account should be extended to,
- the Effective Date and product code for the new contract to which the account should be renewed
- the rate amount for the new contract to which the account should be renewed.
Please specify the LDCRateCode, if you want us to update the LDCRate and send a rate change transaction for the accounts.
We will update the contract EndDate on the existing contract for the account, apply the new product code with the given EffectiveDate, update the rate amount, and inform you.
1. Update contract EndDate on the existing contract for the accounts using the steps in this article Entering-contract-end-date
2. If the client has not mentioned the product code or rate code to be applied, you can get it from the most recent rate transition on the account using these steps:
Run the select query below to get the RateID from the most recent rate transition on the account.
SELECT rateid FROM RateTransition
WHERE CustID = (select custid from customer where custno='67890')
ORDER BY CreatedDate desc
Run the select query below to get the RateCode corresponding to this RateID that was applied to the account in the most recent rate transition.
Replace the parameter rateid with the value fetched in the previous step.
select ratecode from rate where rateid=12345
Apply the fetched (or provided) ratecode with the given EffectiveDate and update the rate amount using steps 1 and 2 from this article Spark-Editing-contract-details-for-account-and-sending-rate-change. Skip steps 3 and 4 if there is no explicit request from the client to update the LDCRateCode and send a rate change transaction.
3. If the client reverts with a revised set of contract start and end dates for the newly added contract, you can update the rate transition dates using steps 5-8 in this article Updating-Rate-Detail-and-Transition-Dates