A rate change was submitted however there has been no response from the utility.
A pre-requisite is access to the client-specific CSR site.
To confirm the status of your rate change request, follow these steps:
- Log into the CSR site. Search for the customer account number or Utility Account Number (LDC Account Number).
- Under the Utility Accounts Tab, click on the "View Transaction History" icon.
- Get the most recent transaction by selecting a recent date range for Date From and Date To, Type as 814, and click on Search.
- In the resultant information displayed, there should be a transaction or record with the values for the columns Direction as 'In', Type as '814_C'. This incoming transaction corresponds to an Out 814_C transaction.
In the "In" transaction, check the fields Key Field for the value "Effective Date" and Key Data for a date to indicate a received market approval.
If a rate change request was rejected or no response was received from the utility, the change needs to be submitted again. To submit a rate change, follow the steps in Submitting Rate Change to Utility.