You found that no response has been received from the utilities for submitted Move-In (MVI) requests. The MVI for the accounts has not been completed. It appears that transactions have not been sent to the utility as the utilities cannot see the transactions at their end. ERCOT does not have a record of the transaction either. It is likely that reconnects are getting impacted too.
It is likely the MVI transactions did not get sent to the utility because they had a translation error at the EDI end due to mandatory data missing from the 814 transactions.
Please raise a support ticket with us mentioning the customer account numbers and corresponding LDC account numbers that you submitted the MVI requests for. We will investigate, fix the error, resend the transactions and inform you.
- Access to the AES Exchange Portal
- Access to the Client database
1. Run a report in the AES xChange portal for the given LDC account numbers to check if 814 transactions are getting displayed or not. The date range should be close to the client request date if a specific date is not mentioned in the request.
If only the customer account number is given, get the LDC Account Number using the query below. Replace the parameter custno with the given account number.
If multiple PremNo is returned, step 2 should be run for all PremNo.
select premNo
from premise
where custid = (select custid from customer where custno = '12345')
2. In the search result or transaction report, note the value of the column Status.
The value is likely to be found as TransError. If a hyperlink for TransError is available, click on it to view the Transaction Error Details and note the Error Code and Error Details.
In case you do not get any rows in the search result, proceed with step 3 regardless.
3. Raise an AESCIS Jira ticket (with this gathered information, if available) for the Engineering team to troubleshoot further. Once the Engineering team shares information, notify the client accordingly.