- Calculating Invoice Adjustments for a Customer After Re-Rating the Account
- How To Find For Whom Contract Renewal Letters Were Sent or Not Sent From List of Customers
- How to Get List Of Active Customers With Positive Balance Age & Negative Due Balance For A State
- Get Customer Count & Revenue Per Product For Specified Period
- Providing PA completed enrollments for a date range
- Providing active gas accounts for New York
Customer Account - General
- Why MVI transactions are not being sent to the utility?
- Pulling usage for accounts for specific date range
- Update service dates to same date for account
- Updating account status to Enrollment Cancelled
- Waiving/Reversing disconnect fee for accounts
- Resolving missed bill window for customers
Customer Account - Enrollment
- Generate Welcome Letter For A Customer
- Spark - How customer obtained a different rate from rate sent in enrollment?
- Spark - Why accounts are stuck at Enrollment Processing status in Aurea?
- "No Questions Returned from Identity Check" Error seen for New Enrollments
- Enrollment Requests Sent as Priority Move-In
- Request for Service (Enrollment) Data
API and Webservices
- Checking on status of a rate change
- Updating sales tax rate to zero for Rate Ready accounts
- Removing "Misc. Charges/Adjustments" from monthly bill
- Retrieving 820 Payment Transactions for a Date Range
- Turning Late Fees on
- "Incorrect Card Number" Error seen when Making an Online Payment
Product and Rate
- Spark - Processing pending future-dated renewal and resolving failed renewal
- Stream - Renewal rate display in CEN
- Stream - What is the correct field to pick up rollover rates in the letter XML?
- Resolving customer enrollment error 'Product/Rate Unavailable' for Stream
- Switch Customers to Previous Rate Classes
- Resolving renewal for account not showing in Aurea